

Have you ever felt like rolling your eyes when someone tells you
you’re supposed to get 7-8 hours of sleep a night?
Because you’ve heard it a million times, right?
If you’re anything like me, it’s easy to SAY we should go to bed
earlier and get more sleep…
But it’s much harder to actually do it.
We all know it’s important…
But often it’s the first thing that gets sacrificed when we’re busy.
Sleep is vital for your mental health, cell turnover, emotional wellbeing, and it’s also when your body clears neurotoxins from the brain.
So there’s a very real reason you feel more foggy in the brain when
you’re tired.
And that’s why It’s so crucial we don’t just “dream” about getting
more sleep, but that we actually do something about it.
Here are just a few things you can do to optimize your sleep so
that your body (& your brain) is able to function optimally:

💤 Take a hot bath or shower before bed to calm and relax your
💤 Drink chamomile tea
💤 Use blackout curtains or an eye mask (I love my Manta eye
💤 Have an air purifier in your room
💤 Keep your house at a cool 65-68 degrees F
💤 Use an essential oil diffuser with your favorite calming sleepy
time blend starting 30 minutes before sleep (One of my favorites!)
💤 Do a short series of stretches before bed
💤 Reduce your bluelight and EMF at least one hour prior to going
to bed – ditch the TV & cell phone in your room

Getting a good night’s sleep isn’t just about feeling rested in the
morning –
It’s also about enabling your brain to sort, process, and clean out
what it needs to.
Here’s to good health and thinking clearly!