Category: essential oils
by Jodi Cohen
Sleep is one of the foundations for resilience.
Restful, restorative sleep has been shown to increase resilience, making it easier to cope with stress and regulate our emotions. Sleep even impacts how well your brain adapts and how you are able to process emotion.
More specifically, your brain cleans house while you are sleeping. During sleep the metabolic activity of your brain goes up about 10 times. Research shows that the neurons in the brain actually shrink by about 60% to make room for the movement of cerebrospinal fluid through our brain to remove toxins and deliver oxygen and nutrients.
This cleanup function strengthens and recharges your brain’s capacity for resilience, helping you adapt and change by building new connections which enhances your ability to regulate your emotions and behavior.
Sleep deprivation compromises your ability to focus, connect and make thoughtful decisions. Resilience requires energy and poor sleep depletes your energy reserves.
When you don’t get enough sleep, small day-to-day stressors like coping with work pressure or relationship hiccups can feel more overwhelming. Simply put, when you are physically exhausted, you have less capacity for resilience.
How Sleep Makes You More Resilient
Sleep helps to enhance mental strength and resilience. This is one reason it may feel easier to respond to life’s difficult times when you are rested.
Research shows that sleep enhances cognitive function. A study at UCLA has shown that sleep deprivation negatively impacts brain maintenance and repair and compromises mental acuity and optimal brain activity. This impacts your ability to focus, slows your reaction time, compromises your ability to make decisions, to multi-task and store new memories.
The Better Sleep Council found that 79% of people would feel better and more prepared for the day with an extra hour of sleep. Sleeping only 6-7 hours, you are twice as likely to be involved in a car crash, and sleeping less than 5 hours increases your risk 4-5 times.
Additional research has found that continuity of sleep is important for memory consolidation. This study found that during restorative sleep, important memories are consolidated and creativity is boosted as well.
Sleep also appears to restore our emotional brain circuits, supporting healthy levels of mood supporting hormones, including serotonin, dopamine, and cortisol, that affect your tools of resilience, including your thought, mood, and energy.
Your Prefrontal Cortex Needs Sleep to Function
Research correlates poor sleep with diminished function of the prefrontal cortex and finds “the prefrontal cortex is disproportionately negatively influenced when an individual is low in sleep quantity or experiences poor sleep quality.”
Your prefrontal cortex is foundational to resilience. Your prefrontal cortex, the part of your brain located behind your forehead, supports not only your “executive function” and your ability to organize, plan, and make decisions, but also your emotional intelligence, and your ability to understand, engage self-control and manage your emotional response.
Research on emotion and the prefrontal cortex finds that “the prefrontal cortex plays a critical role in the generation and regulation of emotion.” In other words, this region of the brain needs healthy stimulation and blood flow to support healthy emotional regulation and value-based decision making, including the following nine emotionally supportive aspects of the prefrontal cortex identified by Dr. Daniel J. Siegel in his 2007 book The Mindful Brain.
When you are short of sleep, we have less glucose fueling the pre-frontal cortex, enhancing your resilience to handle both the expected and unexpected challenges of daily life.
Neurophysiological research indicates that resilience and self-regulation relies disproportionately on the prefrontal cortex to calm the amygdala ((which controls our perception of threat) regions of the brain.
Poor Sleep = Poor Glucose for Prefrontal Cortex Function = Compromised Resilience
According to the study: “Glucose fuels such brain activity in general and has been linked specifically to self-regulation. Data indicates that decrements in glucose lead to impaired self-regulation, and restoration of glucose repairs self-regulation. Brain glucose is utilized throughout the day and replenished during sleep, as evidenced by neuro-imagery delineating a decrease in cerebral metabolism during sleep deprivation. Indeed, sleep difficulties have been clearly linked with decrements in activity in the prefrontal cortex.”
Resilience and self-regulation relies disproportionately on the prefrontal cortex and amygdala regions of the brain. If the prefrontal cortex is lacking energy and cannot suppress your perception of threat from the amygdala, your ability to tap into your higher cognitive function and resilience is compromised.
Poor sleep reduces connectivity between the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex regions of the brain, resulting in lapses in attention, poor risk assessment, analysis and management (important for self-regulation as you choose among alternative strategies for goal-directed action). The study noted that “avoiding choices where risks are disproportionately higher than rewards requires utilizing the prefrontal cortex.”
The Role of Sleep in Mental Health
Sleep and mental health are closely connected as sleep plays an essential role in helping you regulate your emotions, behavior, and mood.
In fact, it is not uncommon for those who struggle with mental health problems to also suffer from sleep challenges. Sleep deprivation definitely takes its toll on your mental health. For example, research has found that many as two thirds of patients suffering from clinical levels of anxiety or depression also suffer from insomnia.
The correlation between mental health and sleep problems is so common that research actually recognizes sleep challenges as a causal factor in the development of mental health disorders. For example, research found that insomnia more than doubles the risk of future depression and anxiety. Similarly, chronic sleep problems affect 50% to 80% of patients in a typical psychiatric practice, compared with 10% to 18% of adults in the general U.S. population.
This could be attributed to the impact between sleep and resilience and sleep and memory. More specifically, research on sleep-dependent emotional brain processing found that sleep helps with support healthy emotional-memory processing. Poor sleep can contribute to anger, impatience, irritability, and lack of energy. As a result, poor sleep may make you more likely to remember negative events, and less able to focus on the positive.
Healthy sleep patterns are also associated with positive personality characteristics. Research found that those who suffer from sleep challenges also report lower levels of optimism and self- esteem.
Essential Oils for Sleep
Essential Oils can help calm the mind and the body before bed to both fall asleep and stay asleep for 7-8 hours per night. This allows the body to rest, regenerate, repair, detoxify, balance blood sugar levels, burn calories, support immune activity and reset our energy reserves.
Several calming and relaxing essential oils are known for their sedative properties that can help promote restful sleep.
Lavender essential oil is most often correlated with enhanced sleep. Research has shown that lavender may actually be able to alter brain waves and reduce stress. For example, research has found that essential oils, like Lavender™, can bind to the receptors on your cells that receive your body’s calming neurotransmitter, Gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), and help balance your brain’s level of excitation and inhibition which is vital for normal brain function and a healthy nervous system.
Lavender has also been found to relieve anxiety and calm your nerves. One study even suggested that lavender works as well as the anti-anxiety medication Lorazepam for calming anxiety. When your mind and body relax, it allows your pineal gland to release melatonin so you can easily drift off the sleep.
Scientists also concluded that inhaling Lavender essential oil can calm the nervous system and improve brain waves appropriate to a sleep state. “Lavender oil caused significant decreases of blood pressure, heart rate, and skin temperature, which indicated a decrease of autonomic arousal. In terms of mood responses.”
The study also found that lavender oil increased the power of theta (4-8 Hz) and alpha (8-13 Hz) brain activities that help promote sleep – improving sleep quality, and increase time spent in deep, slow-wave sleep.
Researchers monitoring sleep cycles with brain scans found that lavender increased slow-wave sleep, which helps slow your heartbeat and relax your muscles, which allows you to sleep more soundly.
A variety of issues may be impacting your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. Once you understand the root cause of your sleep challenges, it is easier to resolve them.
For Help Falling Asleep: Our body’s natural sleep/wake cycle known as the circadian rhythms are regulated by the sleep hormone, melatonin which has an antagonistic relationship with the stress hormone, cortisol. Chronic and prolonged stress triggers the release of excess cortisol at night, driving down melatonin and making it difficult to fall asleep. If you struggle to fall asleep due to stress or racing thoughts, consider Circadian Rhythm™, which triggers the pineal gland to naturally release melatonin.
For Help with Night Waking: Waking up in the middle of the night can be attributed to detoxification, blood sugar or hormonal issues.
Blood Sugar Wake Ups: Waking up and feeling so wide awake that you could go clean the kitchen can suggest blood sugar issues. If blood sugar plummets during the night, the adrenal glands release adrenalin as an emergency blood sugar raising tactic. This adrenalin surge is what wakes you up. The pancreas then has to kick into high gear to return blood sugar levels to normal. Supporting the pancreas in this effort with Vibrant Blue Oils Pancreas™ blend helps return the body to balance so you can fall back asleep.
Detoxification Wake Ups: When you wake up between 1 a.m. – 3 a.m. but are still groggy enough to fall back to sleep, that is often because the Liver is overloaded. During the night, the liver is busy rebuilding the body and cleansing it of accumulated toxins. The liver is most active between 1 – 3 AM, often peaking at 3 AM. When you awaken at this time, it is often a signal that the liver needs a little support. Vibrant Blue Oils Liver™ blend applied before bed and during night waking can help you return to a restful slumber.
Other Essential Oils formulations that help support sleep include:
Sleep™ blend contains Spikenard which is known for its relaxing qualities.
The Calm™ blend and Lavender™ are also very relaxing and work well on small children, especially when added to a Healing bath before bed.
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Essential oils have garnered a lot of attention lately for their powerful health benefits. You may have come across essential oils being sold in shopping centers, and thought, “Well, they smell good, but do they really have any powers beyond that, or is this just another health fad?”
While it’s always important to do your research when seeking new ways to improve your health, you can rest assured that essential oils do in fact have many benefits that go far beyond a pleasant aroma.
In fact, they have been used for ages around the world in order to promote human health.
Mental Benefits of Essential Oils
Essential oils are actually extremely beneficial to your mind. As we tend to associate good health with eating well, getting sleep and exercising the mind can sometimes get neglected. However, the mind is a vital component to our overall health and well-being.
There are things you probably do on a routine basis to keep your body healthy, like going for swims or for long walks. This is because you know your body will begin to deteriorate without regular exercise. The same is true of the mind; if we don’t continuously provide the mind with nourishment and exercise, then it too will lose its strength.
Essential oils can play a big role in keeping your mind healthy and “in shape.” Read on for three surprising ways essential oils can benefit your mind.
Reducing Anxiety with Essential Oils
If you are someone who suffers from anxiety, essential oils can be used to help alleviate anxiety attacks. And even if you do not suffer from anxiety, essential oils can still help to calm your mind.
When you inhale the scents of essential oils, your nose communicates with the limbic system of your brain, which is the part of the brain that controls emotions. It is also connected to the part of the brain that controls hormone balances, stress levels, heart rate, blood pressure, memory and breathing.
The limbic receives the signals from the nose in order to release emotions of peace and contentment brought on by the oils.
Studies have shown that lavender can be a powerful essential oil to help reduce anxiety. Other excellent options are sweet orange, bergamot, sage and angelica.
Activating your parasympathetic nervous system is the key to staying calm no matter what craziness is occurring in the world around us.
Your sympathetic nervous system mobilizes your physical and mental response to threats and stress. It releases stress hormones, like cortisol and adrenaline, to help you fight or flee. Your muscles tense and your vision narrows, allowing you to narrow your focus and pay close attention to the external, physical world.
Inhaling or topically applying Parasympathetic™ behind the earlobe on the mastoid bone where the vagus nerve is closest to the surface of your body helps stimulate your vagus nerve to activate the parasympathetic state and calm your nervous system.
Alleviating Depression with Essential Oils
When feeling down and out for an extended period of time, many people turn to prescribed medication. While these can sometimes be beneficial, they often come with harmful and negative side effects and in the long run end up doing more harm than good.
Essential oils can be excellent alternative to alleviating feelings of depression, as there are no side effects involved. In this case, the nose also communicates with the limbic system in order to help uplift your mood and induce feelings of relaxation.
Bergamot oil makes for a great anti-depressant, as a few whiffs can help stimulate feelings of joy and increase blood circulation to help re-energize the body and mind. A study conducted in Thailand proved that it is also powerful in helping treat anxiety.
Some other oils that are great for helping to fight depression are chamomile, jasmine, sage, orange and frankincense.
Improving Memory and Concentration
You may already be reading and doing crossword puzzles to help keep your memory and concentration up to par. Incorporating essential oils as a part of your memory health regime can prove to be very beneficial.
In particular, scientists have found that rosemary can help boost memory by fifteen percent. In this study, scientists tested participants using a set of perceptive memory-related questions in three different types of rooms. One room was infused with rosemary, another with lavender, and the third was given no scent. Participants’ test scores significantly improved in the room infused with rosemary.
Other oils that can help improve memory and focus include basil, sage, peppermint and cyprus.
To help enhance your focus, apply 2- 3 drops of Focus™ over your temples 2-3 times daily or as needed during moments where additional focus is needed. You can also put a few drops on a tissue or cotton ball and hold it where you can smell it.
These are just three ways essential oils can help benefit your mind. If you suffer from anxiety or depression or want to improve your memory, they are certainly worth investing in. However, every mind works differently, so it is always important to consult a physician before taking any drastic measures.
It is also very important to note though that not all essential oils are produced equally. To ensure you are reaping the maximum benefits from the oils, make sure you investigate the brand, as some companies who are strictly in it for profit over-dilute the oils or add harmful chemicals to them to reduce the cost of production.
Where and how have you used essential oils? Have you ever used essential oils to reduce anxiety or help with depression? Do you have a favorite essential oil that you love to use? What other benefits of essential oils have you experienced? Please share in the comments.
We are living in uncertain times
and now on top of ongoing life challenges and work demands there is the uncertainty and negativity brought on by coronavirus and this may be causing you constant stress.
What you may not be realizing is that this constant stress is adding an extra layer of fat deep in your belly which is unsightly, unhealthy and difficult to get rid of.
Belly fat releases chemicals which trigger inflammation.
In turn, this increases the likelihood that you will develop heart disease or diabetes.
Cortisol is a steroid hormone, commonly known as the stress hormone, produced by the adrenal glands and it is released when your body senses stress.
It takes a few minutes for you to feel the effects of cortisol in the face of stress, because the release of this hormone takes a multi-step process involving two additional minor hormones.
First, the part of the brain called the amygdala has to recognize a threat.
It then sends a message to the part of the brain called the hypothalamus, which releases corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH). CRH then tells the pituitary gland to release adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH),
which tells the adrenal glands to produce cortisol.
Problems arise when you are in a constant state of stress
the body continuously releases cortisol. Like other hormones, it’s vital to survival but chronic elevated levels can lead to overeating, weight gain and more serious issues.
Too much cortisol can suppress the immune system, increase blood pressure and sugar, decrease libido, produce acne, contribute to obesity and more.
When cortisol production kicks into overdrive, it affects the entire body in a breakdown process that basically ages people before their time.
Another connection to weight gain is cortisol’s effect on appetite and increased cravings for high-calorie foods.
Continual stress leads to a constant state of excess cortisol production, which stimulates glucose production.
This excess glucose gets converted into fat, ending up as stored belly fat.
Alongside the stress and the resulting chronic overload of cortisol, you also feel tired and listless.
You reach out for high carb foods to renew your energy and comfort yourself, with the end result of even more extra inches accumulating around your belly.
It is generally accepted that stress-induced cortisol weight is usually gained around the waistline, because fat cells in this area are more sensitive to cortisol. The fat cells in your abdomen are richer in stress hormone receptors, are particularly sensitive to high insulin and are very effective at storing body fat.
Unfortunately, this is the most dangerous place to gain weight, as it can lead to metabolic syndrome, diabetes and heart disease.
Signs of Cortisol Induced Weight Gain
Weight gain particularly around the abdomen and hips
Difficulty in losing weight
Bloating or Water retention
Mood swings
Sluggish metabolism
Stomach problems
Foggy thinking, memory loss
Feeling tired or dizzy
Trouble sleeping/insomnia
How to Decrease the Hold Stress Has on Your Body
If you change your reaction to stress, or change what causes stress, you can completely change your body’s chemistry, lose weight and improve health.
Pay attention to lifestyle improvements that allow you to take time out and look after yourself.
Adopt attitudes of forgiveness, letting go, positive attitudes and feelings of gratitude.
Step away from toxic family and friends that may be causing undue stress in your life.
Follow a balanced, real food-based diet. Follow the food charts given at the start of the program.
Do not eat on the run, at your desk, standing up or when you are feeling high levels of stress, this interferes with the absorption of the nutrients.
Don’t cut calories to extremely low levels. When you are under stress the need for nutrients is greater.
Research has shown that when listening to soothing music, cortisol doesn’t rise as much.
Try and get a good night’s sleep.
Get a pet, even if it is a goldfish!
Yoga and Meditation for Stress Release
Practicing meditation can significantly reduce cortisol production. Most things that are in your control when it comes to healing with stress include relaxation techniques, yoga, exercise and meditation.
When the source of stress is ongoing marital or sexual problems, specific counseling may be required.
The Breathing in Flow training program will trigger your optimal performance and catapult your performance levels by 300% while simultaneously boosting testosterone, improving recovery time, curing performance anxiety, fatigue, sleep problems, respiratory conditions and controlling weight gain issues.
Yoga is one of the best practices you can do if you need help to relieve stress. We all have stress in our lives, but what we do with that stress, and how we let the stress affect our life, is the real issue that needs to be addressed.
Essential oils for reducing Cortisol
Adrenal™ : These small, triangular-shaped glands secrete cortisol to regulate energy production and storage, control blood sugar, immune function, heart rate, muscle tone, and other processes that enable you to rapidly respond to stress.
The health and resilience of the adrenals (along with the hypothalamus and hippocampus) help to determine our tolerance to stress. To help keep your adrenals balanced and not over releasing cortisol,
apply 1- 2 drops of the Adrenal™ on the adrenal glands (lower mid-back, one fist above the 12th rib on each side) upon waking, before bed and throughout the day as needed.
Hypothalamus™ : This pearl size region of the brain located just above the brain stem serves as control center for neural and hormonal messages received from/sent to body, including signals to trigger the release of cortisol.
The ability of the hypothalamus to receive clear messages from the body is critical as all outgoing endocrine and neural signals are based on the clarity of these incoming signals, including the ability to put the brakes on cortisol release.
To optimize the ability of the hypothalamus to send and receive signals, apply 1 drop of Hypothalamus™ on forehead slightly above the third eye up to 6 times daily.
Circadian Rhythm™ : Our sleep/wake cycle, known as our circadian rhythm, requires the release of melatonin, a hormone crucial to sleep.
Melatonin has an antagonist relationship to the stress hormone cortisol and the two hormones in conjunction help regulate our circadian rhythms.
This means that when cortisol is high, melatonin is low. Chronic and prolonged stress triggers the adrenal glands to release cortisol and throws off the body’s natural cortisol/melatonin rhythm.
Cortisol should be high in the mornings when you wake up and gradually taper off throughout the day so you feel tired at bedtime and can fall asleep.
High levels of cortisol at night, drive down melatonin and make it difficult to fall asleep. To return the circadian rhythms to balance and put the brakes on the night time release of cortisol,
apply Circadian Rhythm™ above ears, on top of skull and very back of the head before bed.
Vibrant Blue Oils Stress Support Kit™ contains three powerful oils – Adrenal Balance®, Hypothalamus™ and Circadian Rhythm® – that when used in combination with healthy lifestyle changes , helps support the body’s systems of stress management.
Have you found yourself under stress lately? What did you do to relieve the stress in your life?
Or, perhaps this is the first time you have been made aware of how stress can impact your life.
I would love to know what changes you made to help you be more aware of the stress in your life,
and what you did to help cope with it. Please share your experience in the comments below.
by Jodi Cohen
If you are feeling anxious overwhelmed or exhausted – possibly all at the same time – your adrenal glands might need a little support.
Your adrenal glands are two little pea-sized glands that sit on top of the kidneys and the back of the body near the bottom of your ribs. When we are in a stressful situation, the hypothalamus in your brain triggers your adrenal glands to secrete stress hormones, like cortisol and adrenaline, to give us that extra boost of reserve energy that we need to survive the stress, like running from a wild animal.
But when you dig too deeply into the energy reserves for too long, your adrenal glands get depleted. It’s a little bit like deficit spending, at a certain point your credit runs out and you have no reserves to draw upon.
Chronic stress depletes your adrenal glands and compromises your ability to keep up with the constant demand for the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol provides quick fuel in the face of emergency. When the brain perceives a stress, it triggers the adrenal glands to pump out cortisol which raises the level of sugar in the blood – providing you with the energy to fight or flee the stressful situation. Cortisol also monitors basic body functions, including inflammation response and immune function.
Your adrenals glands are not designed to constantly pump out excessive levels cortisol. Over time, chronic and prolonged stress can over-tax and exhaust your adrenal glands, impeding their ability to produce and release sufficient levels of stress hormones, like cortisol or adrenaline that provide us with energy and support other necessary for proper body functions. This state of diminished resilience is known as adrenal fatigue. This leads to chronic fatigue, an impaired immune system, inflammation, and the other symptoms of adrenal fatigue.
Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue
- Feeling tired for no reason
- Low energy through the day, especially in the early morning and mid-afternoon.
- Low Back Pain or Hip Pain – Your Adrenal glands directly impact some of the muscles that manage the lower back and hip, including your Sartorius muscle, which is a major pelvic stabilizer. High levels of stress can create tension in the muscles causing them to stiffen or lock up resulting in back pain.
- Trouble concentrating or easily overwhelmed
- Racing thoughts, especially when trying to fall asleep at night
- Moodiness and irritability
- Feeling rundown or overwhelmed
- Difficulty bouncing back from stress or illness.
- Cravings for salty or sweet foods – Adrenal fatigue depletes salt levels in the body because it reduces aldosterone, the salt-monitoring hormone. Sweet foods boost blood sugar
- Inability to lose weight
- Hormonal imbalances – – no libido, fertility issues, hormonal acne, low thyroid function (hypothyroid)
- Anxiety, mental exhaustion, and/or depression
- Depressed immunity or lingering colds
- Difficulty concentrating, making decisions and completing tasks in a logical order
- Difficulty falling and staying asleep even though you might feel physically exhausted
- Excessive thirst or frequent urination
- Muscle weakness or fatigue
- Frequent irritability or anger
- Scattered focus and poor memory
My Favorite Essential Oils for Adrenal Fatigue
Essential Oils with their unique ability to return different organ systems to balance can help refill our reserves and dig us out of the adrenal fatigue hole. The Adrenal™ proprietary blend was designed to relieve and support Adrenal Fatigue
Our adrenal glands help determine and regulate the body’s stress response by secreting key hormones that regulate energy production and storage. Prolonged periods of stress can deplete our reserves of these hormones. Much like adaptogenic herbs, Vibrant Blue Oils Adrenal™ blend helps increase the body’s ability to adapt to stress and maintain healthy adrenal function. Adrenal™ proprietary formulations includes very specific ratios of organic and/or wild crafted, therapeutic oils in a base of fractionated coconut oil.
How to Apply Essential Oils for Adrenal Fatigue
You can topically apply 1- 2 drops of Adrenal™ on the adrenal glands (on the lower mid-back, one fist above the 12th rib on each side). Dilute to start or if any redness occurs.
Smelling Adrenal™ though the left nostril also helps to alleviate anxiety. My friend and colleague, Dr. Titus Chiu of The Modern Brain – Root Cause Neurology explains that the over-activity of the right frontal lobe of your brain versus the left contributes to anxiety. The right brain processes the emotional aspects of the human experience, giving us empathy and compassion, but in overdrive in the right brain can contribute to heightened emotions and anxiety.
Inhaling an essential oil through the left nostril helps to stimulate the left frontal lobe and balance the over-activity of the right frontal lobe. Inhaling Adrenal™ blend through the left nostril helps to stimulate the left frontal lobe and create balance between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which then balances the over-activity of the right frontal lobe and leads to feelings of calm.
Additional Essential Oils to Support Adrenal Fatigue:
Hypothalamus™: The hypothalamus is pearl size region of the brain that serves as control center for neural and hormonal messages received from/sent to body. It is constantly reading blood the levels of cortisol, and adjusting signals sent to the adrenal glands for optimal internal balance (homeostasis) of the body. Chronic and prolonged stress can damage the hypothalamus’s ability to receive clear messages from the body which then impacts all outgoing endocrine and neural signals. Just as you might reboot a computer, you can reset the hypothalamus with Vibrant Blue Hypothalamus™ blend to encourage the natural ability of the hypothalamus to receive clear messages from the body.
Circadian Rhythm™: A critical component to healing from adrenal fatigue is the quality of our sleep. Ideally, we should fall asleep easily and stay asleep through the night. The hormone that helps us fall asleep is melatonin, secreted by the Pineal Gland. Chronic and prolonged stress and the resulting cortisol release can undermine the body’s ability to release melatonin because melatonin has an antagonist relationship to the stress hormone, cortisol. More specifically, when cortisol levels are high, melatonin levels stay low. In theory, this makes total sense because if you need to escape a dangerous situation, it would not serve you to fall asleep. But in practice, it really throws our body’s natural sleep/wake cycle, known as the Circadian Rhythms out of balance. To return the circadian rhythm to balance, apply Vibrant Blue Oils Circadian Rhythm™ blend, which triggers the natural release of melatonin before bed.
All of these oils are included in the Vibrant Blue Oils Stress Support Kit™.
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