Control Fear and Doubt
Aaron Downer
About The Author
Dear Reader,
At some period in our lives we have all experienced fear in one form or another. There is our childhood fears of the dark and the “monster in the closet” and very real fears like a vicious animal or a physically dangerous action.
The former fear is the one that we all eventually grow out of (hopefully) and the latter we learn appropriate behavior to avoid dangerous situations. There is one single fear, however, that can render many of us totally helpless.
It’s the one fear that controls all other fears and launches one of the singular conditions that can spell certain death for any hopes and aspirations we may hold dear. That fear is failure and the condition is doubt.
Let’s talk for a moment about George. George was one of those guys that everyone thought of as a “golden child.” He was that fellow who was the captain of the football team. He dated the prettiest girl in school, drove the nicest car and was voted most likely to succeed in the senior class.
Fast forward twenty years to his high school reunion. Yes, George did marry his high school sweetheart. They divorced ten years later with four kids to raise. He never made it to college and was working the same job he had as a high school kid although, to be fair he had managed to rise to the position of general manager of the garage when the owner retired.
What happened to George? Everyone was puzzled. Now, it’s just fine to be in his position as long as that’s what you choose. In his case, however, George let life pass him by.
He didn’t qualify for any scholarships for higher education. Why? Because he didn’t even apply. He passed up the opportunity to go to a trade school when it was offered because he said he was “lousy at math” so why even try?
We could go on and on about George. We’ve all met George or some variation of him in our lives. You see, his problem was that he never tried! If you never try then you can’t possibly succeed!
We see people like that all around us. Susan didn’t take the aptitude test for that government job because she had a flat tire. Bob never made it to the interview for that great job because he had the 24 hour flu. Kathy couldn’t get a babysitter so she missed out on that special job fair.
Again, all the Georges in the world share one underlying factor. That is FEAR. And that, in turn, breeds DOUBT. Of course most people don’t want to admit that fear and doubt hold them back from experiencing true success and happiness so they invent reasons (excuses) why it just didn’t work out for them.
The worse fear of all is Fear of Failure! So if you never try then you will never fail!
Do you see a little bit of George in yourself? You should, because at some time we have all experienced it. Would you like to overcome your fear and doubt? The trick is to recognize it in your life and make a decision to start changing NOW! And, we have just the tool for you.
Learn how to claim your own perfect future. Decide right now to “Control Fear and Doubt.” We have all the answers you need in this comprehensive guide.
It’s a simple read with no techie stuff to bog you down.
It gets right into the nitty gritty and drives you on your way.
The cost of the guide is laughable when you compare it to the results.
Plus look at all the rest you will learn:
1. How to master the fear of failure.
2. Discover the different kinds of fear.
3. Power up your knowledge and help kids deal with doubts.
4. Unearth phobias that may be holding you back.
6. Educate yourself about your fears.
7. How to build your bucket list.
8. Decide you will not limit yourself.
9. Methods to deal with criticism.
10. Insure a better future by leaving the past behind.
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False Evidence Appearing Real
Control Fear and Doubt